[SCIE]Analysis of Elastic Properties of Al/PET Isotropic Composite Materials Using Finite Element Method(2022_11)

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제목 : Analysis of Elastic Properties of Al/PET Isotropic Composite Materials Using Finite Element Method

저자 : 전유재 교수(1저자), 윤종환 교수, 강민수 교수(교신)

게재지 : MDPI-Materials

This study uses the finite element method and numerical analysis to develop an eco-friendly composite material with shielding capabilities. A preliminary study was performed to predict the mechanical properties of the composite material. Polyethylene terephthalate and aluminum powder (AP) were selected as the matrix and enhancer, respectively. The particles of AP are spherical, with a diameter of 1 mu m. Material properties were investigated as the AP volume fraction (VF) increased from 5-70%. The FEM results show that the physical properties for AP VFs improve by up to 40%, but there is no significant change in the elastic modulus, shear modulus, and Poisson's ratio at an AP VF of 50-70%. However, the numerical analysis models show that the elastic properties for AP VFs improve by up to 70%. The mechanical properties improved as the VF increased, and the FEM predicted values were reliable for VFs up to 40%. However, it was confirmed that 40% is the limit of AP VF in the FEM. In addition, the FEM and numerical analysis predictions showed that the most similar numerical analysis model was the Halpin-Tsai model. The predictions of the Halpin-Tsai model allowed prediction of the maximum VF above the FEM limit. If the correction coefficients of the FEM and numerical analysis models are derived based on the predictions of this study and future experimental results, reliable predictions can be obtained for the physical properties of composite materials.


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